Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Runescape Calculators

The shiny new Runescape Calculators on Zybez won't solve your Runescape treasure trails for you, but they'll be able to give you so much moar. By moar, I mean:
1. They will let you understand where you are
2. And where you need to go.
3. This is called "goals".
4. It will tell you which things you need to do in order to level up faster.
5. And how to gain more experience in a shorter amount of time and with less effort.
6. You can also find out how much experience you'll gain if you have limited amount of stuff already to level up on.
7. You better check yourself before you wreck yourself and don't confuse yourself too much.
8. Head over to Runescape Skill Calculators to find out more (or should I say "moar") now.

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