Thursday, April 2, 2009

Loliphant has stolen your tv

If you're reading this on a table. In other words, a log table. You must have realized. That. What? What did you say? Sorry, I can't hear you because, this is like text. You can't talk to text. Stop talking because I can barely hear you. Anyways, I'm going to tell you about the Loliphant that stole your tv. The black one. The black tv that is. No, not the black loliphant because they don't need haircuts.

Their trunks are in the back of the car. It is called the trunk. Their boots are also there, in England. In the rear of the loliphant you will find a steak. A steak is best eaten soft and loliphantistic.

I cannot reconfirm your pottery level because there is no such skill like that in Runescape. Instead it is called crafting skill in Runescape. You should know that. Or, wait, why? Why not? Because.

I listen to the news on the Zybez Radio for Runescape.

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