Friday, April 17, 2009

Runescape Private Servers

Runescape's public servers are too public, so I believe Jagex should make Runescape Private Servers. They can be hosted in random places around the world, and of course allow Runescape players to cheat. I heard a rumor that Jagex have thought about bringing Runescape Classic back, but make it cheatable. So, players will be allowed to set their stats to 99 and punch in the amount of gold they want. You're probably calling "BS" on this so let me explain the reasoning behind this. Runescape Classic was prone to gold selling (real world trading) and hacks of accounts. To avoid these scams, cheating will be allowed. This way, nobody would bother buying Runescape gold coins because you can get them for free in the game! Also, nobody will scam or hack each other's Runescape accounts and there won't be any powerleveling. Why bother when you can just cheat twice as easily. 

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Thursday, April 16, 2009

What words do Jagex use to describe themselves?

Can you think of a few words to describe yourself? Don't think sentences, but instead just think key words. Well, sorry to cut your line of thought, but let me tell you what words Jagex use to describe themselves with:

browser games, clans, communities, community, computer games, free games, fun orb, funorb, games, internet, java, mmorpg, mmorpgs, mmos, online games, online rpg, r/s, role playing games, rpg, rs, rune scape, runescape, video games

Okay, first of all, who uses "r/s" to describe Runescape? Lol. Oh Jagex... 

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Mechscape Unofficial LiveJournal Blog

The Mechscape unofficial LiveJournal blog has gone online today. It marks the first time somebody has used their pinky fingers to crack open a pistachio. Less importantly, it is a new way for readers to study Mechscape, the game of Sci-Fi and cloning. 

Of course, keep your eyes peeled for news and hints about Mechscape on the Mechscape Community.

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Mechscape Quest Guide

I'm doing a mission quest on Mechscape right now. It involves fighting off the interstellar armies of Lord Vader, turning them around, and fly behind them in my spaceship. It is actually not a spacecraft and instead a "mech". A mech is a robot vehicle that is able to transport you from place to place and let you do other tasks such as quests in Mechscape.

Jagex has made many Mechscape mission quests. The lava harvesting mecha quest requires you to bring shale to the headquarters of the Mechscape galactic empire and trade it using the quest points from experience gained at the Grand Exchange.

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Monday, April 13, 2009

RuneScape Official Trailer

Jagex Ltd, the creators of Runescape, have made a trailer for their MMORPG game about 8 years late. But better late than never, right? It is fairly good in that it shows all the things you can do in Runescape such as fighting, quests, monsters, and many cinematics ;-)

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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Runescape Calculators

The shiny new Runescape Calculators on Zybez won't solve your Runescape treasure trails for you, but they'll be able to give you so much moar. By moar, I mean:
1. They will let you understand where you are
2. And where you need to go.
3. This is called "goals".
4. It will tell you which things you need to do in order to level up faster.
5. And how to gain more experience in a shorter amount of time and with less effort.
6. You can also find out how much experience you'll gain if you have limited amount of stuff already to level up on.
7. You better check yourself before you wreck yourself and don't confuse yourself too much.
8. Head over to Runescape Skill Calculators to find out more (or should I say "moar") now.

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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Loliphant has stolen your tv

If you're reading this on a table. In other words, a log table. You must have realized. That. What? What did you say? Sorry, I can't hear you because, this is like text. You can't talk to text. Stop talking because I can barely hear you. Anyways, I'm going to tell you about the Loliphant that stole your tv. The black one. The black tv that is. No, not the black loliphant because they don't need haircuts.

Their trunks are in the back of the car. It is called the trunk. Their boots are also there, in England. In the rear of the loliphant you will find a steak. A steak is best eaten soft and loliphantistic.

I cannot reconfirm your pottery level because there is no such skill like that in Runescape. Instead it is called crafting skill in Runescape. You should know that. Or, wait, why? Why not? Because.

I listen to the news on the Zybez Radio for Runescape.

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Availed has a LOLIPHANT in his pants

Availed is some trans-guy that is attacking some websites or so he boasts using a botnet. Kids if you don't know what a botnet is, don't worry, you'll probably have one by the time you turn 8 - like everybody does at that age - and then you'll grow out of it when you turn 11.

Anyways, this Availed guy has a LOLIPHANT in his pants. That is why he is how he is. Too bad he can't do anything to take down this website ... because he's a weakling. His botnet is no match for my blogspot blog. Muahahahahha... Availed has been DEFEATED by my words.

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