Thursday, December 18, 2008

Panic Attack in Air Canada by brown man "I'm going to die"

An Indian guy goes on a panic attack (with a bad accent) on a long Air Canada flight. The passengers try to calm him and subdue him by tying his hands.

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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Runescape Quest Guide

While Guthix Sleeps

Description: A power grows in the Runescape north, and an efficient spy network reports all that transpires to its master. the Runescape long, dark fear buried in the Runescape back of everyone's mind is starting to grow. That which was once overlooked has now become hard to ignore.

For what nefarious purpose are there spies in Draynor? Exactly what is Movario looking for in the Runescape Lumbridge Swamp caves? What of the Runescape ancient power of the Runescape Mahjarrat and the Runescape dragonkin? Has something been missed? the Runescape ancient powers of the Runescape gods - where did it come from, and what would happen if a mortal could tap its power?

Any interested parties should contact Radimus Erkle for what may prove to be the Runescape most challenging experience of their entire career.

Difficulty: Grandmaster

Length: Very, very long

23 Summoning
55 Hunter
60 Thieving
65 Defence
65 Farming
65 Herblore
75 Magic
Be eligible for entry to the Runescape Warriors' Guild

Defender of Varrock
Dream Mentor
Hand in the Runescape Sand
King's Ransom
Legend's Quest
Mourning's Ends Part II (The Temple Of Light)
Path of Glouphrie
Recipe for Disaster
Summer's End
Swan Song
Tears of Guthix
Zogre Flesh Eaters
270 Quest Points
Have defeated Bork in the Runescape Chaos Tunnels

Items Needed: Log (any type), Knife, 5020 Coins, Lantern lens, 1 Snapdragon seed (Thaerisk will sell you one for 28875 coins), Seed dibber, Charcoal, Papyrus, Bronze med helm, Iron chainbody, Unpowered orb, Runes to cast one charge orb spell, 1 Death rune, 1 Law rune, Sapphire lantern, Ring of charos (a), Food, Armor, and a Weapon

Items recommended: Antipoison, Prayer potions, and Super restore potion

Items acquired during the Runescape quest: Unconcious Boav, Boav, Dirty Laundry, Weight (1kg), Weight (2kg), Weight (5kg), Ruby key, Movario's noted (volume 1), Movario's noted (volume 2), Strange key loop, Strange key teeth, Waste paper basket, Teleorb, Rose-tinted lens Super truth serum, Air key, Earth key, Water key, Fire key, Cell key, Dagon'hai hat, Dagon'hai robe bottom, Dagon'hai robe top, Elite black full helm, Elite black platelegs, Elite black platebody, Dolmen, Enriched snapdragon, Enriched snapdragon seed, Pink dye, Ruined dragon armour lump, Ruined dragon armour slice, Ruined dragon armour shard, Strange teleorb, Truth serum, Vine flower

Quest Points: 5

Reward: 4x100k XP in any skills over level 65, 5K coins, Dragon metal fragment, and the Runescape ability to loot Movario's base

Start Point: Legends' Guild

To Start: Speak to Radimus Erkle

1. Speak to Radimus Erkle in the Runescape Legends' Guild. He will tell you of a new group of Guthix followers led by Ivy Sophista in Taverley who wish to travel to Karamja. He will give you the Runescape password to talk to her. It is "Our friend in common places great faith in totems."


2. Meet Ivy in the Runescape house with the Runescape dragonstone chest in Taverley. Tell her the Runescape password and she will tell you to meet Thaerisk Cemphier upstairs, also warning you to watch out for Lucien's spies.


3. Go upstairs and talk to Thaerisk. He will tell you that the Runescape trip to Karamja is just a cover story and in reality he has founded a group named Crux Eqal. As he explains that Lucien has been gathering power and killing off his agents, you will be attacked by two level 38 Assassins.


4. Kill the Runescape Assassins. Note that they use ranged attacks, and one will attack Thaerisk while the Runescape other will attack you.


5. Talk to Thaerisk again and he will tell you about Lucien's growing power. You will need to ask him "What efforts are you making against Lucien?," "What are our options?," and "What do you need me to do?" He will then task you with finding out background information on Movario. Thaerisk will suggest talking to Reldo in the Runescape Varrock library.

6. Go to the Runescape Varrock library and talk to Reldo. He will tell you that Movario has a Khazard accent, studies old texts, and is a master of making traps. He will advise you to speak with the Runescape Hunting expert in order to track Movario effectively.


7. Head to the Runescape Hunting Expert found in the Runescape jungle south of Yanille. She is located in a small round hut halfway between Oog'log and the Runescape Feldip Hills. the Runescape expert will tell you to catch a wild broav, which requires a special pit trap west of the Runescape hut with Mort myre fungus as bait.


8. Use your logs and fungus on the Runescape trap to set it. In a moment the Runescape broav will be caught. Take it back to the Runescape Hunting Expert to have it trained to follow you.


9. Now head to the Runescape Khazard launderer, who is located west of the Runescape Fight Arena and east of Tree Gnome Village. He will say that times are rough and that Movario is a client of his. You can either use 5000 coins on him or charm him while wearing a Ring of charos(a) to receive a shirt that Movario has worn.


10. Drop the Runescape Broav and use the Runescape clothes on it. the Runescape Broav will begin to track Movario's scent and will lead you to the Runescape Khazard battlefield, more specifically to the Runescape tower in the Runescape middle of the Runescape Khazard warriors' encampment. Note: When the Runescape broav looses the Runescape scent it will begin to turn in circles. Use the Runescape dirty laundry on him again to get him to head off in the Runescape right direction. If the Runescape broav gets stuck just move into a clear area nearby and whistle for him.


11. Climb over the Runescape crumbled wall of the Runescape tower and go into the Runescape central room.

Crumbled Wall

Using the Runescape clothes on the Runescape broav again will reveal a trapdoor under the Runescape broken table. Underground is a multi-combat base for level 95 Elite Khazard Soldiers, so before you enter the Runescape trapdoor go stock up on some food, antipoison, a weapon and some armor, and earth, fire, water, air, and mind runes. Once you are ready, enter the Runescape trapdoor.


12. Head to the Runescape northern part of the Runescape underground base and climb down the Runescape stairs.

North Stairs

13. You will enter a small corridor. At the Runescape end is a door guarded by a strong magical lock. It only reacts to runes being used on it and if you use the Runescape wrong rune it will hit you for 25 damage. Search the Runescape door, and note the Runescape first symbol used in the Runescape pattern at the Runescape top. This is the Runescape type of rune you must use to open the Runescape door. If you use the Runescape wrong rune, you will be hit for 25 damage, but the Runescape color of the Runescape blast will indicate which type of rune you should have used to open the Runescape door. Blue is Water, Red is Fire, Green is Earth, White is Air, and Purple is Mind

Battered Door

Use the Runescape correct rune on the Runescape door, search it and disarm the Runescape trap that you find, and proceed into the Runescape next room. Note: If you attempt to open the Runescape door without disarming the Runescape trap, you will be poisoned and three 95 Elite Khazard Soldiers will descend the Runescape stairs to attack you.

14. Inside the Runescape library, electricity will run between bookcases. the Runescape two in the Runescape center of the Runescape room are the Runescape main hubs of electricity and when searched activate the Runescape wires to a different bookcase. You can tell which bookcase will be activated by looking at the Runescape wires connecting them - if they appear to be vibrating slightly then they lead to the Runescape bookcase you need to search. Search an active bookcase, switch the Runescape electricity to another using the Runescape center bookcase, and repeat until all outside bookcases have been searched. the Runescape blue electricity on the Runescape gate will then disappear and you will be able to enter. Attempting to open the Runescape cage door without unlocking it correctly will result in being hit for up to 33 damage.


15. After opening the Runescape gate, search the Runescape staircase and disable the Runescape trap before going up.


16. Do not attempt to grab the Runescape treasure, it is a fake. Instead, search the Runescape desk and you will acquire the Runescape first set of Movario's notes.


17. Pick up the Runescape waste-paper basket from the Runescape floor and then search it to get a Ruby key. Search the Runescape northern-most bookcase on the Runescape western wall, then use the Runescape Ruby key on it to find a secret staircase. Head upstairs.

Ruby Key

18. Search the Runescape bed to find the Runescape bed chest. Search the Runescape bed chest and disarm the Runescape trap, then use the Runescape Ruby key to open it. Searching inside will give you two parts to a key and the Runescape second set of Movario's notes.

Bed Chest

19. Once you have the Runescape notes and the Runescape key parts, you will need to escape via a door on the Runescape second floor. To unlock it requires solving a weight puzzle. Return to the Runescape first floor and search the Runescape painting to the Runescape east. Flip the Runescape catch and cross over the Runescape broken wall into the Runescape room.


20. Inside the Runescape room is a thermometer which will give you a specific number. Take the Runescape number and calculate the Runescape difference between it and your current weight to determine the Runescape amount of weight you need to place onto the Runescape statue upstairs. Example: If the Runescape thermometer reads 57 "tickits" and you weigh 50kg, then you will need 7kg of weight. Pick up the Runescape needed weights from the Runescape thermometer room, head up to the Runescape second floor, and place the Runescape correct number on the Runescape statue. Make sure you have the Runescape notes before you leave through the Runescape door.


21. Take the Runescape notes back to Thaerisk in Taverley and he will read them. He will then tell you that your next task is to contact the Runescape Guardians of Armadyl north of McGrubor's Wood.

22. the Runescape camp is at the Runescape north side of McGrubor's wood. When you arrive you will find a battle underway. Kill the Runescape level 48 mage and two level 88 axemen assassins. the Runescape mage will teleport before you can finish him off.


23. Speak to the Runescape wounded guardian and he will tell you to find Idria in the Runescape Forester's Arms, the Runescape pub in Seers Village.

24. Head to the Runescape second floor of the Runescape pub to find Idria. She will make sure you are trustworthy before asking you to kidnap a spy of Lucien's. You will volunteer to talk to the Runescape Temple Knights about the Runescape situation.


25. Teleport to Falador and talk to Sir Tiffy Cashien in the Runescape park. He will tell you to find Akrisae in the Runescape White Knights' Castle, on the Runescape ground floor to the Runescape east. After talking to Akrisae, Thaerisk and Idira, you will be given a Teleorb. You will now need to plant the Runescape Teleorb on Lucien's spy.


26. Talk to Akrisae and he will teleport you to Draynor Village. Use the Runescape Teleorb on the Runescape Shady Stranger in the Runescape white robes, then return to Falador.

Shady Stranger

27. Talk to either Akrisae or Idria. Idria will then teleport Lucien's spy into the Runescape cell in the Runescape White Knights Castle. A druid will enter the Runescape cage with his bodyguard, but when the Runescape druid attempts to give the Runescape Spy 'a lovely juice', the Runescape spy will attack and the Runescape truth serum jar will drop and break.

28. Speak to Thaerisk and he will task you with making more truth serum. To make more you will need an enriched Snapdragon seed, which is made by taking a snapdragon seed (Thaerisk will sell you one for 28,775 coins) to Betty in Port Sarim. You can run there or the Runescape druids will offer to teleport you.

29. Betty will tell you that you need a rose tinted lens to enrich the Runescape seed with sunlight. Buy some pink dye from her for 20 coins, then take a lantern lens and use the Runescape dye on it to get the Runescape rose tinted lens. Give Betty your snapdragon seed and she will place it on the Runescape counter. She will also give you a jar of regular truth serum.


30. Stand in the Runescape doorway of her shop and open the Runescape door, then use the Runescape rose tinted lens on the Runescape table while still standing in the Runescape doorway. You will use the Runescape sunlight to enrich the Runescape seed. Search the Runescape counter then return to the Runescape White Knight Castle.


31. Talk to Thaerisk and will tell you to plant the Runescape seed on the Runescape top of the Runescape castle. Head to the Runescape west part of the Runescape castle and go up the Runescape winding staircases until you find the Runescape patch on the Runescape top floor. Plant the Runescape seed with a seed dibber.


32. Head back to Akrisae and you will be tasked to get a small team together to capture Lucien. Simply speak to the Runescape four people that are needed in order to enlist their help. You can either talk to them in person or use the Runescape Contact NPC lunar magic spell (requires level 67 Magic). You will be required to use Lunar Magicks later anyway so you might as well switch spell books now. the Runescape four people you need to enlist are:

* Duradel - In Shilo Village on the Runescape second floor of the Runescape fishing shop
* Mazchna - In Canifis at the Runescape bridge leading north
* Hazelmere - On the Runescape second floor of his house on the Runescape peninsula east of Yanille
* Turael - At Burthorpe in his house

33. Once everyone has been enlisted, head back to the Runescape White Knight Castle and check on your snapdragon seed. (Before you do so it might be a good idea to obtain charcoal and paparus as you will need them shortly.) It will have grown and you can now harvest it. Combine the Runescape truth serum and the Runescape enriched snapdragon to make a super truth potion. Take this back to the Runescape Shady stranger and enter his cage. Use the Runescape serum on the Runescape Shady stranger and make him gulp it down.


34. the Runescape spy will then describe a person known as Dark Squall. You are tasked to sketch this person so talk to the Runescape spy again with charcoal and papyrus in your inventory to make a sketch. Give this sketch to Idira and she will thank you.

35. Idira will now ask you to recruit more members for your group. They are as follows:

* Sloane - Upstairs at the Runescape Warriors Guild
* Ghommal - Outside the Runescape Warriors Guild
* Harrallak Menarous - Just inside the Runescape main entrance to the Runescape Warriors Guild
* Cyrisus - Can only be contacted using the Runescape NPC contact spell

36. Return to the Runescape White Knight Castle to receive your next assignment - to find the Runescape Dark Squall. He was last seen in the Runescape Black Knights' Fortress near the Runescape monastery. Make sure you have an Iron chainbody, Bronze med helm, runes for any charge orb spell, an unpowered orb, food, armor, and two forms of attack from different parts of the Runescape combat triangle (i.e. melee and ranged) before continuing. You will also need to convert back to the Runescape normal spell book.

37. Equip the Runescape Iron chainbody and Bronze med helm then enter the Runescape fortress. Push through the Runescape wall and climb down the Runescape ladder just north of where you entered.

Black Knight Entrance

38. Once downstairs you will see a tile with an orb symbol on it. Cast your charge orb spell on the Runescape tile with the Runescape unpowered orb in your inventory to unlock the Runescape trapdoor.

Orb Tile

39. Climb down the Runescape trapdoor to enter the Runescape underground base of the Runescape Black Knights. There are many enemies down here from all sides of the Runescape combat triangle. Head down the Runescape stairs and run to the Runescape east until you reach the Runescape eastern bridge. There is a level 138 Elite Black Knight spawn here away from the Runescape other enemies. He will use prayer to avoid damage but if you can switch between two different attack styles you can kill it quickly. You need to kill the Runescape knight 3 times to receive 3 pieces of elite black armor. If you do not switch attack styles, the Runescape Elite Black Knight will run out of prayer after about a minute or so.

Elite Black Knight

40. Once you have the Runescape armor, equip it and you will no longer be attacked. This will also allow access to the Runescape rest of the Runescape base. Head to the Runescape western bridge and jump across it.


41. Follow the Runescape tunnels northeast and climb up the Runescape wall you encounter. Keep going through the Runescape tunnels until you reach a 4 way intersection with 3 doors and a tunnel that leads to the Runescape jail cells. Go to the Runescape cells.

42. You will find Silif in one of the Runescape cells. Talk to him and he will tell you that he is hungry and needs a restore potion to help him heal. Head back to the Runescape intersection and head through the Runescape northern door.


43. Once inside the Runescape room search the Runescape desks. You will get a lobster, a restore potion, and a Strange teleorb. There is also a wardrobe on each wall. Search them both to get another set of Elite black armor and a set of Dagon'Hai mage armor. Make sure to also grab the Runescape key on the Runescape key rack just east of the Runescape wardrobe with the Runescape knight armor.

Key rack

44. Go back to Silif in the Runescape cells and use the Runescape key on the Runescape door to enter. Give the Runescape food and the Runescape potion to Silif and he will recover. Give him the Runescape second set of elite black armor and let him follow you back to the Runescape previous room. If you have a familiar, he will not follow you until you dismiss it.

45. Once inside, walk over to the Runescape map and talk to Silith to have him study it. He will give you a Teleorb and will tell you to go plant it on Dark Squall. Move deeper east into the Runescape room to find Dark Squall nearby the Runescape ladder. Plant the Runescape teleorb on Dark Squall; when you do so, he will discover you and transform into Surok. Do not fight the Runescape guards, instead teleport back to Falador.


46. Head back to the Runescape White Knight Castle and talk to Akrisae. He will tell you to get into the Runescape cell so he can swap you with Surok so you can infiltrate the Runescape base. Before you enter the Runescape cell, make sure you are wearing the Runescape Dagon'hai clothes and have a death rune and law rune with you. Akrisae will teleport Surok to the Runescape cell and teleport you to where Surok was inside the Runescape caves.

47. Head up the Runescape ladder to the Runescape east of the Runescape room you are in and activate the Runescape strange teleorb you found earlier while holding a death rune and a law rune in your inventory.

48. You will appear in an ice area filled with knights and undead creatures. Head northeast and climb the Runescape ice wall. Jump to the Runescape ledge then walk to the Runescape balcony to trigger a tragic cut scene.

Ice Wall



49. After the Runescape knights attack you, jump back to the Runescape snow ledge and teleport to Falador. Go back to the Runescape White Knight Castle and talk to Idira. She will now tell you to pretend to be Surok and find out more about Movario. He was last seen in the Runescape Lumbridge swamp.

50. Wearing your Dagon'Hai robes and with a sapphire lantern in your inventory, head to the Runescape Tears of Guthix minigame in the Runescape Lumbridge swamp dungeon.

51. When you arrive at the Runescape chasm near the Runescape minigame you will encounter Movario. Talk to him and convince him that you are Surok. He will use a special blue light spell to get a light creature to take you to the Runescape bottom. Use your lantern on a light creature to get it to fly over to you, then Movario will cast the Runescape spell.



52. At the Runescape bottom of the Runescape chasm you will find several skeletons. Search them for a chisel, hammer, spade, silver sickle(b), and druid pouches. Use the Runescape spade to lift the Runescape rocks that can be searched near the Runescape skeleton to find a overturned brazier. Use the Runescape chisel on this brazier to find a fire orb.


53. There is another overturned brazier to the Runescape west which can be dug out and by using a chisel you can find an earth orb. the Runescape air and water orbs are in braziers still standing upright to the Runescape south.

54. Take the Runescape orbs south to find 3 skulls carved into the Runescape rock face and a fourth skull above them. In each of the Runescape skulls is a small white recessed block. By examining them you can see which type of orb each skull needs. If you find an air symbol, put the Runescape air orb into it to get the Runescape air key. Do this with the Runescape three symbols on the Runescape bottom and then climb up to do the Runescape top skull. You will now have 4 elemental keys.

Recessed Block

55. Remove any weapons or shield you have on and enter one of the Runescape bottom skulls. Climb through the Runescape passage until you reach the Runescape end. Examine the Runescape door lock to find which key needs to be entered into which lock. Use the Runescape correct key with the Runescape door lock, then crawl back out.

Door Lock

56. Repeat this with each of the Runescape bottom three skulls, then use the Runescape remaining fire key on the Runescape top skull to unlock the Runescape nearby square cube. Search the Runescape cube and then enter the Runescape top skull.

Fire Block

57. Follow the Runescape path along to find a Guthixian temple. Along each of the Runescape 8 paths are druid spirits that you will need to set free. Equip your sickle and cast bloom while standing over a vine to grow flowers to fill your druid pouch, then use the Runescape pouch on the Runescape spirits. They will reward you by dropping two ingredients that you will need to make various potions.


58. Once you have the Runescape ingredients for a specific potion, combine them on the Runescape altar corresponding to their type of potion (examine each altar to find out what type of potion it needs). the Runescape type of potion for each altar is random for everyone. You can use either the Runescape ingredients for a normal potion or the Runescape super potion variant.

59. Every time you use the Runescape correct ingredients use will receive a dolmen. These can be used on the Runescape table in the Runescape main part of the Runescape temple to unlock one part of the Runescape door seal. Once all 8 have been done, the Runescape dolmens will rise up and unlock the Runescape door.

Stone Table

60. WARNING: Several extremely strong monsters that hit with all 3 sides of the Runescape combat triangle lie ahead. Two are level 450, and one is level 434. It is recommended to bank any valuables you may have and to bring good armor/weapons for melee and range attacks before proceeding.

61. Walk into the Runescape chamber to find the Runescape Stone of Jas sitting in the Runescape center of a room. As you search it you will be confronted by a level 454 Balance Elemental. the Runescape Balance Elemental can attack with all 3 sides of the Runescape combat triangle, and the Runescape attacks can hit in the Runescape mid 20's with very little to no warning between attack changes. It is recommended to attack with melee and range if fighting him normally. It is fairly simple to predict what style of combat he going to use. When he takes out a fire bow, he will use range and you should have enough time to switch your prayer to protect range. If he throws anything at you, it is considered a magical attack and you should put on protect from magic. If he punches you, it is a melee attack and once again you should have enough time to protect from melee. However, there is a safe spot if you lure him over to the Runescape Stone of Jas, where you can range him without being attacked with melee.

Note: the Runescape Balance Elemental will drain some of your combat stats, thus you should bring Super Restore potions.

Balance Elemental

62. When the Runescape elemental is defeated, search the Runescape stone again to see a cutscene depicting the Runescape first time the Runescape stone was found by a human. You will then come to the Runescape revelation that the Runescape dragonkin are growing in power again.


63. You will then be confronted by Movario and Darve who will tell you that they are claiming the Runescape find as their own. They will say that while you are far stronger than them, you have no chance to defeat Lucien. Lucien at this point will turn up and tell you how much he needs the Runescape stone. After going through all of the Runescape talking options you decide that you have talked enough, and Lucien will summon two level 450 Tormented Demons to destroy you.


64. the Runescape Guardians of Armadyl will appear and help you defend yourself. Your combat stats, except for prayer, will have been boosted dramatically up to 255 by the Runescape Stone of Jas, so expect to hit very hard (Hitting a 150 is not out of the Runescape question). the Runescape Tormented Demons can use prayer which you cannot hit through and does not run out so hit it with melee until it swaps to melee protect then change to your range attack to do more damage.


65. Once they are defeated, talk to Idira and she will thank you and offer to teleport you to Falador to discuss what happened.

66. Speak to Idira back at Falador and she and Akrisae will thank you for all your efforts, giving you a very well earned and spectacular reward in the Runescape process. After you have gained your newfound experience, you will see a cutscene of what is to come in future quests.

Congratulations! Quest complete!

Quest Complete

Movario's Base

To loot Movario's base, open the Runescape gate to Movario's base. If you fail to open the Runescape gate you will be thrown in jail. Teleport out of the Runescape jail and head back to the Runescape back. Once inside of the Runescape base, go up the Runescape spiral stair and enter the Runescape small rift to the Runescape South. You will find 4 pallets, contain 100 fire runes, 100 death runes, 100 coal (unnoted), and 100 magic logs (unnoted). This means that several trips are required in order to collect the Runescape loot. the Runescape pile of "loot" on first floor is a fake and you cannot loot it.

Dragon Platebody

If you obtain the Runescape other two dragon metal fragments, and have 99 Smithing, you can make a Dragon platebody. First buy a Fusion hammer from the Runescape dwarves at the Runescape Blast Furnace for 1 million coins, then use the Runescape teeth and loop half of the Runescape strange key you received on a Mithril dragon to create a Dragonkin key, which will allow you to access the Runescape Dragonkin Forge within the Runescape Ancient Cavern. Use three Fire spells on the Runescape dragon heads to allow molten lava to flow into the Runescape forge. You will now be free to assemble the Runescape Dragon platebody.

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Runescape Accounts and Autominers

What are Runescapes account and autominer? Let me tell you now. The Runscape accounts are login details to a character in the game that you can buy and it often comes with a stocked inventory of gold coins and items in addition to the most valuable thing, which is: skill stats.

Autominers are like macro programs. In simple words, they play Runescape for you. They click stuff and automatically mine rocks for you, for example.

Are these legal? No. These are against the Runescape rules, so I recommend not downloading and installing them at all, also because they might contain viruses. You can buy an account from a friend if you know they won't screw you over. But be careful because the account comes with personal information that the original owner can reset. Never use Runescape autominers or macros, because you'll end up losing your account to a ban or something.

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Zybez Games are fun!

People play games like Runescape and they are fun to play. The game is online and it is free. It is not flash but instead it is java based.

Zybez Games provides thousands of free online flash games that are new and classic for players of all ages.

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Friday, November 21, 2008

7-Eleven Gets in the Game Retailer Sets Sights to Become Most Convenient Destination for Hottest Video Titles, Prepaid Game Cards for Runescape

7-Eleven(R) Gets in the Game

Retailer Sets Sights to Become Most Convenient Destination for Hottest Video Titles, Prepaid Game Cards

Last update: 9:00 a.m. EST Nov. 20, 2008
DALLAS, Nov 20, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Gamers never die; they just grow up ... and continue to play ... and play ... and play. Today, the average gamer is not in his teens, but in his early 30s and, not surprisingly, most likely male. They play at home, at social gatherings, at work (shhhh) and online.
That's good news for 7-Eleven, Inc. whose customer base skews heavily male between the ages of 18 and 34. The world's leading convenience retailer is ready to take the proverbial plunge into video game sales after dabbling in it over the past years with successful Slurpee(R) beverage promotions aimed at top-selling game franchises like Microsoft's Halo and EA Sport's Madden.
This month, participating 7-Eleven(R) stores introduce a line-up of seven of the top video game titles for sale as well as one of the most comprehensive selection of prepaid gift cards for another growing gaming phenomenon -- Massively Multi-player Online Games, or MMOGs.
"Video games aren't just for kids anymore, and they're not just sold at big box and game stores either," said Michael Jester, 7-Eleven category manager for gaming and electronics. "We can compete with the major players and offer consumers a more convenient place to purchase games and accessories. They can pay a deposit and reserve their copies ahead of time and pick them up starting midnight (12 am) on the release date at locations closer to their homes."
The video game industry is a $12 billion business and growing. A recent survey by the Entertainment Software Association found that 65 percent of American households play computer and video games, with 41 percent of Americans expecting to purchase one or more games this year. Of the top-selling games, 85 percent are rated E for "Everyone" and T for "Teen."
"AAA" games, as they're called in the industry, are the top-selling, most anticipated games, often sequels with proven appeal to both serious and casual player alike. Suggested retail prices are $59.99 for Xbox 360 and PS3 games, $49.99 for Nintendo Wii, and $39.99 for PS2.
Predicted to be the hottest sellers this holiday season, these game titles are available at 7-Eleven stores while supplies last:
-- Guitar Hero: World Tour-Band Kit (Microsoft Xbox 360, Sony PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 2, Nintendo Wii)
-- Fallout 3 (Microsoft Xbox 360, Sony PS3, personal computer or PC)
-- World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King (MMOG available on PC only)
-- 007: Quantum of Solace (Xbox 360, PS3 and PS2)
-- Gears of War 2 (exclusive to Xbox 360)
-- WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2009 (Xbox 360, Sony PS3 and PS 2)
-- Call of Duty: World at War (Xbox 360, PS3)
"This is not just a holiday promotion for us," Jester said, "but a brand new product line-up that will be available year-round. We may not be a total entertainment destination ... yet, but we're hoping to expand our selection beyond the high-dollar, hot- selling games to include options for all budgets, like value-priced video games as well as DVD movies. For consumers wanting convenient one-stop shopping for at-home entertainment along with groceries and gas or who just want to avoid big-store shopping inconveniences, their local 7-Eleven store is open and ready."
Displayed right next door to the console games is a broad selection of online game gift cards to make virtual purchases in MMOGs or pay for your monthly subscription. Played on the Internet, these online games feature at least one virtual world and enable players from around the world to communicate, cooperate and compete with each other.
"MMOGs got their start in Asia, but have gained a worldwide audience of millions," said Brian Haynes, 7-Eleven category manager for services. "In November of 2007, 7-Eleven was the first convenience retailer in the U.S. to introduce the Nexon gift card, its first foray into the world of MMOGs."
This year, the number of prepaid game cards available at participating 7-Eleven stores has expanded to approximately 20 different cards in varying denominations. So popular have these prepaid game cards become that 7-Eleven is placing a major focus on this growing segment of the prepaid business this year next.
While most games are free to play, players can use microtransactions, an innovative cash-shop system that allows payments of little as a quarter for a virtual item, to make purchases to individualize their characters and create unique identities. These features are purely optional, and players can try out items in virtual dressing rooms before making a purchase. They can also spend cyber-dollars to unlock clues and levels of the different games.
Most top-selling video games have action- or battle-oriented objectives popular with male players. Many of the online MMOGs, however, are classified as "casual," "role-playing" or "experiential" and attract a higher percentage of female players.
The 7-Eleven prepaid game card line-up includes Nexon, Habbo, Gaia, Guild Wars, gPotato, Runescape, Aeria, City of Heroes, Exteel, ijji, IMVU, Neopets and Sims2 prepaid game cards. Sold primarily in denominations of $10 and $25, many of the cards can be used to make purchases within multiple online games. 7-Eleven and Slurpee have a presence in some games where players can receive a FREE Slurpee Machine to place in their virtual room.
Along with the prepaid MMOG cards, 7-Eleven offers prepaid gift cards for the two biggest game platforms -- Sony PlayStation Network and Microsoft Xbox Live. Players can use the Xbox and PlayStation gift cards to download new games, and game content and access playable demos of upcoming releases.
"We think video games will be a great year-round seller for us," Jester said. "Whenever a big-name game is released, it creates instant demand, and we plan on being there to meet it."

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Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Runecape is a game that is very easy to understand and I'm a buy a bar if you're worth it. baby girl what's your name let me buy you a drink. I'm t-pain you know me convict music oooweeoooee. Goes at three, what's the chance hyou rolling with me

We in the bed like Oooeee oOooeee Ooooeee. Talk to me you talk back let's talk m oney i talk back . What's your balls ocleieseaheays shorty got class oh behave. Just like that what what I'm talkin about. We gonna have fun. Get like me. I'm a buy you a drink I'm a take you home with me. Shorty what you think about that. We in the bed like. Oooo oooo oooo. Ooooo ooo oooo. We in the bed like.

Let's get gone. Walkin out. Think about it. Oh stop. now rock rock rock rock. You can do it all. Wlakin it out. Now rock rock rock. You can do it all by yourself. I'm a buy you a drank. I got money in the bank. Shorty what you think abioyut that. Shorty in the grey candiallaghcd,. Oooo ooo we in ghe bed like .

Baby girl what's your name let me talk to ya let me buy you a drank. i'm t-pain you know m e. convict music ooooeewweee. I'm number one goes at 3. ewhat's the chance you rolling with me. back to the crib. I'm a buy you a drank. i'm tya talke you home with me. shorty what you think about that. we in the bed like. ooo ooo ooo . we in the bed like.

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Friday, November 14, 2008

Runescape Stealing Creation Quest Guide

Stealing Creation

  • Introduction
  • Sacred Clay
  • Playing the Runescape Game
  • Strategy
  • Rewards
  • Credits
  • Related Links
  • Combat Guide
  • Ranged Guide
  • Magic Guide
  • Summoning Guide

This mini-game has been rated as Low Risk. See the Runescape Mini-Games page for a definition of high and low risk.

In the Runescape wilderness, just south of the Runescape Bounty Hunter Crater, strange phenomena has been occurring. One instance of the Runescapese strange events is a portal to a realm populated entirely by "sacred clay" which possesses the Runescape ability to mold itself into nearly any object or material imaginable. A group of individuals known as Mystics have found this portal and stabilized it, but the Runescapey are currently looking for adventurers brave enough to venture into the Runescape realm and imbue it with energy.

Stealing Creation can be reached in the Runescape wilderness just south of Bounty Hunter; it can be reached most easily through a games necklace teleport. This game is safe, but on the Runescape way the Runescapere you may come into contact with revenants. the Runescapere are no requirements to play Stealing Creation, but as it is based upon skill and combat experience, the Runescape higher your levels in relevant skills, the Runescape better you will perform. You cannot take any items into Stealing Creation.

In this game, skill-loving players and combat-loving players can work togethe Runescaper. All items, weapons, and armour, even runes, must be gained through skill-based resources. Your team would do well to have players of both types in it's ranks. In the Runescape Primordial Realm, doing nearly anything to help your team will gain you points. You lose points, however, through taking items from your base. At the Runescape end of the Runescape twenty minutes which constitutes a full game, whichever team has the Runescape most points wins. You can see your individual score in the Runescape upper left corner, and the Runescape time remaining in the Runescape upper right.
Sacred Clay

Sacred Clay is the Runescape basis for this game. You need to gathe Runescaper sacred clay and convert it into items to do nearly anything in the Runescape game. At first, without any tools, all you can do is gathe Runescaper clay from Level One Clay Fragments. Sacred Clay can eithe Runescaper be dropped off at your teams base table (a safe area, which contains a table for dropping off clay or items, a mystic who can show you the Runescape amounts and types of clay available, and tables which store any items you team may have dropped off), or you can convert it into items at a creation kiln.

* Class One Clay can only make class one items. Higher classes will make the Runescape highest level of clay the Runescapey can, so long as you have the Runescape levels to make it. Class Five Clay will always make the Runescape highest class of item you can make. So, a Level Four piece of Clay can make up to Level Four items.
* Each class of item has level requirements; Class One can be used by anyone, Class Two requires level 20 in the Runescape relevant skill, Class Three requires level 40, Class Four requires level 60, and Class Five requires level 80.

To make an item, choose the Runescape class on the Runescape left side of the Runescape creation kiln dialogue, the Runescapen the Runescape item you desire from the Runescape middle list. the Runescape Kiln will automatically attempt to use the Runescape highest level of clay you have, but you can set it to a lower level of clay if you wish.
Creation Kiln

Most players will begin with making a tool to gathe Runescaper higher quality clay. the Runescapere are four different types of tools, which each correspond to a different type of resource.

* Pickaxe - Mining
* Axe - Woodcutting
* Harpoon - Fishing
* Butterfly Net - Hunter

Resources Information
Pic Resource Skill Tool
Fragments Not Applicable None
Rock Mining Pickaxe
Tree Woodcutting Hatchet
Swarm Hunter Butterfly Net
Pool Fishing Harpoon

the Runescape resources are tied to the Runescape skills - a swarm resource requires the Runescape use of a butterfly net and is tied to your hunting level, a pool requires a harpoon and the Runescape fishing skill, a tree requires an axe and woodcutting, and finally mining requires the Runescape mining skill and a pickaxe. Not all of the Runescapese may be present in a game; the Runescapey appear randomly, so having balanced skill levels is an aid.

Also, to harvest the Runescape various levels of resource, you need to have a certain level in the Runescape relevant skill. the Runescapese are listed below.

* Class One - Anyone
* Class Two - 20
* Class Three - 40
* Class Four - 60
* Class Five - 80

Sacred Clay can also be made into armour, food, weapons, and potions. Potions doses are equivalent to the Runescape Class of the Runescape Sacred Clay used; this means some potions will have five doses! the Runescape types of potions available are: energy, prayer, ranging, summoning, super attack, super strength, magic, and defence. Of course, the Runescape higher the Runescape level of clay used, the Runescape higher quality the Runescape weapons, armour, and ammunition produced will be. In addition, the Runescape quality of the Runescape food is dependent on the Runescape level of class used, as seen below.

* Class One - 4 Hitpoints
* Class Two - 8 Hitpoints
* Class Three - 12 Hitpoints
* Class Four - 16 Hitpoints
* Class Five - 20 Hitpoints

Playing the Runescape Game

the Runescape object of this game is to gathe Runescaper more clay than the Runescape othe Runescaper team, by gaining more points. Any clay or items you gathe Runescaper that you are not using should be stored safely in your teams base for points. Items will automatically distribute the Runescapemselves to the Runescape tables in your base; you can take any item you wish from the Runescapese tables, but it will decrease your score.

In addition to clay, your team's score will be based upon the Runescape number of resources you control. To control a resource, you need to merely place four barriers around it, which can be made using your construction skill to convert clay into barriers at a Creation Kiln. Once barriers have been placed around a resource, only your players may enter through it. the Runescape opponents may break this wall down, but walls can be repaired by your team. Higher Class barriers take more damage before falling.

Combat is an important part of stealing creation. the Runescapere are no restrictions at all during Stealing Creation, besides the Runescape fact that you are not allowed to fight your own team. the Runescaperefore, high levels may be required to protect players with high skill levels but low combat capability. You may hamper your enemies progress by threatening and attacking the Runescapem, and any items the Runescapey drop will fall to the Runescape ground where you may take the Runescapem.

Pouches can be created out of Sacred Clay to fashion special summoned familiars in the Runescape Realm. the Runescapese creatures are similar to othe Runescaper summoned creatures; the Runescapey have a number of abilities and a special Clay Deposit special move activated through scrolls, which has the Runescape ability to send clay or items in the Runescapeir inventory to your base. the Runescapese familiars are Beasts of Burden; the Runescape can carry 1, 6, 12, 18 or 24 items, varying on the Runescape quality of clay used to make the Runescape pouch, as well as holding a combat level of 25, 37, 58, 93 or 139, again, depending on the Runescape quality of clay.

Fog Banks are scattered about the Runescape Realm; you may use the Runescapese to hide from enemies, or to lie in way for a oblivious enemy to wander by, and attack or pickpocket the Runescapem. While in a Fog Bank, you are entirely hidden to othe Runescapers; the Runescapere will not even be a dot on the Runescape minimap. You cannot shoot arrows, cast spells, or summon familiars whilst in a Fog Bank.

the Runescape strange environment in the Runescape Primordial Realm allows players to surreptitiously relieve opposing players of the Runescapeir possessions. This cannot be done during combat, like usual. To thieve anothe Runescaper player, your thieving must be 20 levels below your opponents or higher, so to steal from a level 85 thief you must have at least 65 thieving. To do so, simply right click a player and select pickpocket. If you are successful, you may liberate some of the Runescapeir clay objects or sacred clay itself to your team.

the Runescapere are altars spaced around the Runescape Realm that instantly restore run energy, summoning, and prayer to maximum.

By increasing your individual score (shown in the Runescape top left corner of your screen) by doing nearly anything to aid your team (except taking items from your base), you also increase your team's total score. the Runescape winning team is the Runescape team that has the Runescape highest score at the Runescape end of the Runescape twenty minute game. At the Runescape end, if you are on the Runescape winning team, 10% is added on to your individual score. Below is the Runescape amount of points won and lost for various actions.

* Gathe Runescapering clay: 15 points per class.
* Processing clay: 15 points per class.
* Depositing clay: 15 points per class.
* Depositing clay items: 30 points per class.
* Combat: 5 points per Hitpoints damage done.
* Withdrawing items: Lose the Runescape same amount of points you would have gained for storing it.


Despite this game appearing to be a game where you merely need to increase your own scores superficially, this game is very dependent on teammates working togethe Runescaper. Since not all players have very high skills both in all the Runescape skills used during the Runescape game, and high combat as well, those with higher skills will need to cooperate with those with high combat. Players from the Runescape othe Runescaper team will often harass you while gathe Runescapering clay, and you may do the Runescape same. If you kill anothe Runescaper play, you make take all of the Runescapeir inventory, so it is a large boon to your team if this happens. In the Runescape othe Runescaper direction, those with high combat, but without the Runescape skills to make items the Runescapey need to function are dependent on those able to make the Runescapeir weapons, armour, and ammunition.

An often-used method of gaining points consists of staking out a medium to high level resource, the Runescapen transiting between it and a kiln. the Runescape most often used second-tier item for this method is arrows, as the Runescapey are stackable, and thus you do not need to return to the Runescape base. Near the Runescape end of the Runescape game, you can return all the Runescape ammunition to the Runescape base for a very large amount of points. This strategy has risks, however, as if you are killed or pickpocketed, you stand to lose a large amount of supplies.

Pickpocketing is much more useful than it would seem. Stackable ammunition can be stolen in vast chunks all at once, numbering in the Runescape thousands per a single successful pickpocket. Mages are often targeted for this, as the Runescapey must carry ammunition in the Runescapeir inventories. You cannot steal equipped items. In addition, your chance of successfully pickpocketing a player depends on both the Runescapeir pickpocketing level and yours; if you have level 85 thieving against a level 99 thief, your chance of success is low.

Making use of the Runescape summoned creatures can be vastly useful. With the Runescapeir deposit ability, you never actually have to return to the Runescape home base unless absolutely necessary. In addition, the Runescapey can carry additional food or supplies, and can also engage in combat.

Use the Runescape terrain to your advantage. You or your teammates can erect barriers surrounding resources, so that only your teammates can enter it. Opponents can knock the Runescapese down, but the Runescapey can be great for a temporary escape if an enemy is after you. Fog clouds are also good for this purpose. In addition, fog clouds are very useful for ambushing unaware enemies. You can eithe Runescaper attack the Runescapem, or pickpocket some of the Runescapeir valuables. the Runescapere are also various jumpable "rifts".

Time is a huge factor in this minigame. Don't dally; get going as quickly as you can and get started before the Runescape enemy can start obtaining commodities and begin to harass you.

Rewards can be bought from a Mystic in the Runescape building in the Runescape North-Eastern corner of the Runescape encampment in exchange for points gained from playing the Runescape game. You can also purchase recharges for the Runescape items from the Runescape same Mystic, in the Runescape same dialogue.
Volatile Tool

Costs 20,000 Points.

the Runescape voltile tool is a omni-tool which can change into one of several different tools. When you command it to change, it will randomly turn into a pickaxe, hatchet, butterfly net, hammer, knife, harpoon, or needle. the Runescapese are used exactly the Runescape same as a normal tool, but provide a boost to any experience gained while in use. the Runescape tool will be able to be of use a few times before returning to the Runescape natural form; after ten changes, you will need to pay points to have it recharged.
Morphic Tool

Costs 20,000 Points.

the Runescape Morphic tool is exactly the Runescape same as the Runescape Volatile tool, but you can choose which tool it transforms into. However, it will grant less additional experience than the Runescape Volatile tool, and just like the Runescape Volatile tool, you will need to recharge it after ten changes.
Sacred Clay Equipment

Headgear costs 42,000 Points, Weapon costs 64,000 Points, Torso Armour costs 74,000 Points, and Leg Armour costs 58,000 Points.

Sacred Clay Armour and Weapons have the Runescape ability to morph into the Runescapeir counterparts at different sections of the Runescape combat triangle. To change this, simply operate the Runescape weapon/armour in your inventory. All clay armour and weapons you have will be instantly changed to that style of combat. As with the Runescape othe Runescaper clay equipment, every 10 changes the Runescape armour and weapons will require a recharge at the Runescape cost of points.
Sacred Clay Melee Armour
Pic Name Attack Bonuses Defence Bonuses Othe Runescaper Bonuses
Stab Slash Crush Magic Range Stab Slash Crush Magic Range Summoning Strength Prayer
Platebody Sacred Clay Platebody 0 0 0 -30 -10 +82 +80 +72 -6 +80 +40 0 0
Platelegs Sacred Clay Platelegs 0 0 0 -21 -7 +51 +49 +47 -4 +49 +15 0 0
Helmet Sacred Clay Helm 0 0 0 -6 -2 +30 +32 +27 -1 +30 +7 0 0
Scimitar Sacred Clay Scimitar +7 +45 -2 0 0 0 +1 0 0 0 0 +44 0
Sacred Clay Ranged Armour
Pic Name Attack Bonuses Defence Bonuses Othe Runescaper Bonuses
Stab Slash Crush Magic Range Stab Slash Crush Magic Range Summoning Strength Prayer
Leathe Runescaper Body Sacred Clay Body 0 0 0 -15 +15 +40 +32 +45 +20 +40 +40 0 0
Chaps Sacred Clay Chaps 0 0 0 -10 +8 +22 +16 +24 +8 +22 +15 0 0
Coif Sacred Clay Coif 0 0 0 -1 +2 +4 +6 +8 +4 +4 +5 0 0
Bow Sacred Clay Bow 0 0 0 0 +47 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sacred Clay Maging Armour
Pic Name Attack Bonuses Defence Bonuses Othe Runescaper Bonuses
Stab Slash Crush Magic Range Stab Slash Crush Magic Range Summoning Strength Prayer
Robe Top Sacred Clay Robe Top 0 0 0 +20 0 0 0 0 +20 0 +20 0 0
Robe Bottoms Sacred Clay Robe Bottom 0 0 0 +15 0 0 0 0 +15 0 +15 0 0
Hat Sacred Clay Hat 0 0 0 +4 0 0 0 0 +4 0 +4 0 0
Staff Sacred Clay Staff +10 -1 +40 +10 0 +2 +3 +1 +10 0 0 +50 0

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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Runescape Swept Away Quest Guide

Difficulty level: Easy
Start location: Maggie's encampment, north of Rimmington
Quests: None
Items: None
Monsters: None
NPC: Maggie, Hetty, Gus, Betty, Lottie, Aggie
Walkthrough Hide/Show:

Brews and Brooms
Items Required: None
1. Speak to Maggie the witch at her encampment north of Rimmington and tell her something smells interesting. She is attempting make an amazing 'brew', but can not while her skeletal oxen Babe is feeling ill. Offer to help and she will ask you to get Hetty in Rimmington, Betty in Port Sarim, and Aggie in Draynor to enchant her broomstick. She gives you the broomstick to take with you.

Items Required: Broomstick
2. Head south into Rimmington and speak with Hetty about enchanting the broomstick. Before she can use her famous theurgical broom ointment, she will need you to fetch a newt for her. Go down the trapdoor just south of her house and speak with Gus the delivery ghoul.
3. Gus mixed up the labels on the crates, so he will only give you a newt if you help him figure out which crate needs which label. Due to the magical nature of the newts and toads, you can only take one creature out of one crate to check what it has. Extract one creature from the crate marked as having newts and toads. Put the label for only the animal that you got on that crate. Put the label for both newts and toads on the crate that claims to have the creature you did *not* extract from the first crate. Put the last label on the last crate.
4. When you have successfully labelled all the crates, take a newt from the newt crate. Go speak to Hetty to exchange the newt for the broom ointment. Use the broom ointment on the broomstick.

Items Required: Broomstick
5. Head northeast to Port Sarim and speak with Betty in her rune store. She needs her wand to enchant the broomstick, so she will send you into her cellar to retrieve it from her magically locked chest. Go down the trapdoor and speak with Betty's apprentice Lottie about retrieving the wand. She reveals that you will not be able to open the chest until Betty's menagerie is entirely sorted out into the proper enclosures.
6. You can only move one creature at a time, so do the following to put every creature in its proper pen:
Move the blackbird into the holding pen in the north room.
Move the rat from the spider pen to the blackbird pen.
Move the spider from the reptile pen to the spider pen.
Move the reptile from the rat pen to the reptile pen.
Move the rat from the blackbird pen to the rat pen.
Move the blackbird from the holding pen back to the blackbird pen.
7. Open the chest next to Lottie and search it to obtain Betty's wand. Take the wand back to Betty and she will enchant the broomstick.

Items Required: Broomstick
8. Head east to Draynor Village and speak with Aggie in her house. She will need to take you to a more open, private place to do her enchantment. Agree to teleport there and speak to her once you arrive. She needs you to sweep away four lines of sand to leave behind four small triangles. Sweep away the northwestern line, the two middle lines, and the southeastern line.

9. Speak to Aggie to return to her house and get the broomstick enchanted.

Items Required: Broomstick
10. Return to Maggie and tell her the good news that the broomstick is enchanted. Agree to stir the cauldron, then use the broom on it. Speak to Maggie again and she gives you a bowl for you to get up to ten bowls of goulash.
A broomstick
Access to 10 portions of goulash.
Quest points gained on completion: 1
Tips, tricks & notes:
Each bowl of goulash will provide 10 times your skill level in experience to a skill of your choice, exactly like a genie lamp.
After the quest, you can take your broomstick to a number of witches around RuneScape for additional rewards:
The Sorceress's Apprentice in Al Kharid will enchant the broomstick to teleport you to the Sorceress's Garden.
Ali the Hagg in Pollnivneach will award you with 1,997 Magic Experience (Level 33 Magic Required).
The Old Crone east of the Canifis Slayer Tower will award you with 7,139 Magic Experience (Level 53 Magic Required).
Baba Yaga on Lunar Isle will award you with 10,338 Magic Experience (Level 73 Magic Required).
Kardia in the Underground Pass will award you with 14,979 Magic Experience (Level 93 Magic Required).
After completing the quest, you can give Maggie's assistant Wendy some Magic unguent so you can have her make your cat(s) purple.
Purple Cat Puzzle 
Go to the basement of the rune shop in Port Sarim again and speak to Lottie. Get your compass pointing north so that the room has the holding pen at the top of the map. Move the animals in the directions shown:
Blackbird up
Bat right
Spider up
Snail left
Bat down
Lizard left
Rat up
Bat right
Lizard down
Spider right
Snail up
Lizard left
Bat left
Rat down
Spider right
Bat up
Lizard right
Snail down
Bat left
Spider left
Rat up
Lizard right
Spider down
Blackbird down
Reward: Speak to Lottie and open the chest to get the Magic unguent. Give it to Wendy, Maggie's apprentice. Use any cat or kitten on Wendy and she will make it purple - but this is not reversible!! Any hellcat type will revert to an ordinary purple type.

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Monday, October 27, 2008

Crazy but Cute Youtuber or Gamer

Jane is 16 years old, and she's bored and going crazy. She should have kept playing Runescape to stay sane. Maybe she just can't wait for Mechscape to come out like the rest of us.

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Battle begins for online role players: Runescape or WoW or Maplestory or Nexon or Free Realms

Battle begins for online role players
By Chris Nuttall
Published: October 26 2008 22:00 | Last updated: October 26 2008 22:00

World of Warcraft is under attack. The 3m US players of the online warfare game, populated by monster-baiting characters, are being outnumbered by an army of 4.5m amassed by an independent video game developer from Cambridge, England.

Runescape, a game that, like Activision Blizzard’s WoW, has skill-building quests and conquests, has been developed by Jagex. Unlike WoW, which is sold as a boxed product in shops and requires the download of large software files, players need only a web browser to get started on Runescape.

Jagex’s game has been a hit among younger audiences that cannot afford a subscription and are often using older computers that are unable to run PC games with high-end graphics. The comparatively simple business model has been so successful that bigger players want to emulate it.

Sony Online Entertainment has decided to take the plunge. Others on a similar path include Nexon of Korea’s MapleStory, exported to the US, and Electronic Arts’ Battlefield Heroes.

“We’ve spent a lot of money investing in this space because we think it’s potentially the largest [market] there is,” says John Smedley, the Sony division’s president. “Jagex built a great business model and it’s actually one we’re copying with Free Realms.”

Mr Smedley hopes his children will switch allegiance from Runescape to Free Realms, the competitor being developed by Sony.

“We’re going after the same market – 12-year-old boys and girls. They’ve built up a great user base by having a fun-to-play game that’s quick and easy to get into on any computer,” he says.

Sony is a past leader in online role-playing games with its EverQuest title, first released in 1999. Its financial muscle and established infrastructure make it a formidable opponent for Jagex.

“Sony have got a massive marketing budget,” admits Geoff Iddison, Jagex chief executive. “But gamers can look at us and see how deep Runescape is – there are thousands of hours of gameplay.”

By depth, he means the vastness of the online world that has been continually expanded over the past seven years and the range of activities that have been built up.

Both Runescape and EverQuest have their roots in the multi-user dungeon games first developed 30 years ago. These games originally consisted of typed descriptions of creatures and objects with players text-chatting with one another and inputting commands.

Andrew Gower, co-founder of Jagex, was an avid text-based MUD player as an undergraduate in computer science at Cambridge University, where he began to code Runescape.

The fact that text-based MUDs could be picked up where you left off on any computer appealed to him. He built Runescape on the same principles but using the Java language to allow it to run in a regular web browser and enabling 3D graphics.

Jagex has grown to be the UK’s biggest independent games developer, employing about 400 people.

The company has remained private and is cagey about its financial performance but the chief executive says Runescape has attracted 135m registered users over its lifetime, with on average 6m people a month playing.

“It’s a very understated, rapidly growing business and we’re very proud of it,” he says. “We’re extremely profitable, the margins are very good and we’re growing at 35 per cent a year.”

Runescape makes most of its money from the $5-a-month subscription a significant number of players are prepared to pay to get access to new quests, equipment and areas of the game. Free Realms plans a similar model although Mr Smedley sees the selling of virtual goods as being the most profitable avenue.

“We’re shooting for tens of millions of players, we’re aiming very high. I’m betting virtual items is where the real money is, perhaps 80 per cent of revenues,” he says.

For Jagex to maintain its momentum, Mr Iddison is exploring new markets and products. French and Brazilian versions will launch soon and Mechscape, a science fiction game that will run on the same platform as Runescape, will be released next year.

“We are forever looking over our shoulders to make sure we are staying ahead of the game,” he says.

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DJ Suox's Runescape Donk Party!

Runescape donking to the max!

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Runescape vs World Of Warcraft- NON-BIASED Comparison

Here's a Youtube video comparing the popular games Runescape vs. WoW.

Now that they are going head-to-head, players have a decent choice. And they should make the choice wisely because it'll cost them hours!

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Friday, October 24, 2008

Interview: Jagex CEO Iddison On Going 'Deep Casual' With FunOrb

October 24, 2008

Interview: Jagex CEO Iddison On Going 'Deep Casual' With FunOrb

Interview: Jagex CEO Iddison On Going 'Deep Casual' With FunOrbJagex has quietly crafted in RuneScapethe world's second-largest Western MMO -- with roughly 5.3 million active players per month, the free-to-play, browser-based title comes in just behind World of Warcraft. Now, the UK-based company's heading for a new frontier with a game portal called FunOrb.

The recently-launched site offers what the company calls "deep casual gaming" -- the aim's to provide deep and compelling game experiences within the same time frames usually associated with casual titles. 

It's a promising idea with some unique aspects to it -- and is sure to pose a challenge for the company as it's tasked with maintaining its growth plans for thriving RuneScape at the same time. Jagex CEO Geoff Iddison talks to Gamasutra about the details of FunOrb and how it plans to balance its goals. 

I first heard of RuneScape back when I was working in the specialist press. We'd always check our traffic position relative to other gaming websites -- and RuneScape was always the third-biggest!

Geoff Iddison: It's at least that -- probably number two. It's the second-biggest Western MMO, currently. If you look at the number of active players for our game over a month period, we're about 5.3 million per month. World of Warcraft is about 9.3 million, and number three is well behind us. We're number two in the Wstern world. 

We launched our new game in March of this year called FunOrb. FunOrb is a deep casual game experience -- there's nothing quite like it on the market -- and we feel that it's really going to appeal to those ex-MMOG players who no longer have the time to play an MMO but want a deep, compelling gaming experience within an easily accessible, relatively short period of time. Playtime for the FunOrb games is between 12 and 40 hours, so it's deep minigames.

The whole business model of Jagex products, and this business model will go forward with our new MMO coming out next year, is free to play, and if you want deeper content, you pay a subscription. Subscription is five dollars a month for RuneScape and three dollars a month for FunOrb. To go into that content, you pay the monthly subscription, so it's basically a free to play model.

About 60 percent of the game content is behind that subscription barrier. In RuneScape, it may be different quests, the same quests but deeper, and it may be certain skills that you have. House building, for example, is a members' benefit. There's a number of skills and quests and things that you can't do as a free member.

How do you find that the subscription model works for you, in terms of free to play plus subscription? 

GI: The subscription model works really well for us. We've got more than a million subscribers currently and growing, so it's worked well. Margins are very good and we're extremely profitable, so it works for us. But going forward, we are considering in our future MMOs having not just subscription but micropayments too.

Companies with several different MMOs can have a slight self-competing problem. How do you look at that issue?

GI: We don't know yet. But we positioned our new MMO at an older demographic than RuneScape. It's sci-fi, so it's a different genre altogether. You're not going to get people playing multiple MMO, they're going to be playing one at a time, so there may be some cannibalization of our RuneScape userbase going over to our new MMO. Tthe way we've positioned it is RuneScape, our new MMO, and then FunOrb, the deep casual game experience. So there should be a migration path from one to the other in those three games. But it's going to be interesting to see how it overlaps.

Can you explain the philosophy is behind deep casual games? 

GI: We've got all of the infrastructure in place to do a full casual game offering to an audience that wants a multiplayer game. FunOrb is leveraging that technology and giving a far more satisfying, deeper playing experience; it's more satisfying from a graphics perspective and from a content perspective, and the subscription model is free to play. 

40 hours of gameplay on a casual game is currently something that's not generally available on the marketplace. It's early days. We launched in March, and we've got around 300,000 uniques in a two or three week period. So it seems to be going well and the model seems to work. We've got a new game going live on FunOrb every two weeks -- the same as RuneScape; new content goes onto RuneScape every two weeks.

What goes into these updates?

GI: Some updates have taken a year or 18 months to develop, like the update that we did around three months ago, and some updates are relatively minor. 

We watch our forums and take the feedback very seriously and use that feedback in a lot of cases to improve the game. We have a player poll every two weeks as well, asking them what they'd like to see and what they don't like and whatever else. 

It's one of the first social networking sites, RuneScape. It's been around since 2001, and potentially, it has over 130 million people on that network, so that feedback that we have is always taken seriously and we plug it into the game in development. 

What's your primary demographic?

GI: RuneScape's demographic is from 7 to 18, with a sweet spot being around 13, 14, or 15. It's 85 percent male, but we're keen to get more females into the game. There's puzzles that are aimed at the female audience, as opposed to the PvP stuff, which is more male-oriented.

After 18 is where FunOrb comes in. People at college perhaps haven't got the time to spend 12 or 14 hours a week out on RuneScape and MMOs, so naturally they'll graduate onto something else. But this is where our new MMOG comes in. We're hoping to collect a lot of those people graduate out of RuneScape to our new MMO.

But we've got a lot of people over 40 playing Runescape; we have whole families playing the game. We have granddads and grandmas meeting their siblings, nieces, and nephews within the game. We want to appeal to the whole. For anyone who wants to play RuneScape, there's something in there for them.

Your strategy is to stay completely browser-based for all of your products?

GI: Absolutely. It's so compelling, and I think other companies are seeing this now. So the distribution model of the browser base is just fantastic. There's no third parties. We are the developer and the publisher. Anywhere in the world, you can access your MMOG. You don't need a high-spec PC. With any PC that's connected to the internet, you can just log on and you're there in your game with your avatar. That model is just so good for us, and we feel it's going to become more competitive in this space because the model's so good.

However, the barriers to entry on a massive MMO which is browser-based are pretty high. The infrastructure that we've got in place not just from a technical perspective, but the design, is pretty sophisticated. The black mark system, all of the filters, the chat filters, the policing of the game... those things are pretty high barriers to entry. You don't go diving into the browser-based MMO market without having to overcome some of those hurdles. It's not just a matter of getting a game out there. 

And there's a whole regulatory perspective of this as well, with an MMO that's browser-based and accessible from anyone's PC, you want to make sure it's safe to play. That's why half of our company is dedicated to player support.

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

After a long wait, RuneScape players can now get into Player versus Player combat. Players who wish to play PvP must have a minimum combat level of 20

After a long wait, RuneScape players can now get into Player versus Player combat. Players who wish to play PvP must have a minimum combat level of 20 to even get into the world. Also, anyone who actually decides to enter the PvP world might also lose items and will not receive a headstone. This is an interesting update for RuneScape and should help freshen things up.

More details after the jump or head to:

From the RuneScape site:

Here’s a quick run-down of the features:

Fight players (within your level range) anywhere on the map, except in a few safe areas.
Safe areas include banks, respawn points and some guilds.
Level ranges are 10% of your Combat level, plus 5 levels. If you are fighting inside the Wilderness, the Wilderness level is added to this total. Your current attack range is shown on your screen at all times. (The 10% is measured from the higher of the two combatants’ levels.)
Skulling is back – same rules apply. If you initiate combat, you are skulled and on death you will lose all items, with the Protect Item prayer saving one item as normal.
Teleport Block is back in the normal spellbook.
Some minigames are available to play, others are not – please see the Game Guide for more details.
Death drops are back – new rules apply. Drops will be a mixture of items from the defeated opponent’s inventory and items from drop tables specific to PvP worlds. See below for details.
The quality of the drops you get when you PK someone depends on several different factors:

To get a reward from a kill, you also have to risk some items yourself!
To accumulate a possible reward, you have to risk a minimum of 75k of items on a members’ world, or a minimum of 25k of items on a free world.
Note that your three most valuable items won’t count as being risked unless you’ve been skulled, as you wouldn’t lose them.
The longer you spend on a PvP world (outside a safe area) with the required amount of items at risk, the better your possible rewards might become, to reward you for your risk.
The possible reward increases even faster and goes to a higher maximum if you go into a ‘hot zone’.
Note, however, that risking more than the minimum won’t improve your rewards faster, so it’s a good idea to take relatively cheap and useful items that won’t cost you too much to replace if you die.
When you get a successful kill, the exact reward you can claim depends on a number of other factors, including the level difference between you and the value of the items items lost by the dying player. Any unclaimed loot is saved for the next kills, so you don't have to worry about it being lost if you kill a low level player.

Don't despair if you are dying a lot and losing a lot of items. The game will detect this and improve your chance of getting decent rewards when you do eventually get a good kill.

The above is a simplified description of how it all works. To prevent cheating there are various other factors taken into account. We've calculated the rewards and rates very carefully, so that a successful PKer should be able to get a good income, and PKers who get lucky might find themselves with a good drop. Higher level players may also get higher rewards to reflect their increased earning ability when not PKing, such that PKing is still worthwhile for them. The aim is to make PKing a fun alternative (albeit very high risk) way of earning money in the game.

Included in the PvP-specific drop tables is a wide range of new combat equipment and XP-boosting gloves. Members will get access to level 78 items for all three corners of the combat triangle, including armour as well as weapons, and a new set of Ancient Magick spells. Non-members will get access to corrupt dragon equipment. To find out more about these items, please visit the Game Guide.

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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Runescape Shooting Stars Guide


What a fun Runescape mini-game guide! Read on...

Have you ever wished for a more fun way to train Mining? Perhaps you are bored of dropping ore and want to be rewarded as well as gaining impressive amounts of experience. Whatever your wish may be, it is just a shooting star away!

Shooting Star has you exploring RuneScape to find the Runescapese heavenly beings. the Runescape point of finding one is so that you can mine it for the Runescape experience and rewards. Shooting Stars are categorized according to size, ranging from 1 to 9. Higher level stars require higher Mining levels to break, but will yield more experience. Below is a table showing the Runescape different Star sizes, the Runescape Mining level required to mine the Runescapem, and the Runescape amount of experience each level of Stardust gives.

Star Sizes

Star Size Minimum Mining Level Mining Experience Per Stardust*

9 90 210

8 80 145

7 70 114

6 60 71

5 50 47

4 40 32

3 30 29

2 20 25

1 10 14

*If you are the Runescape first one to find a crashed star, you will be rewarded with extra Mining experience (Level * 75), as well as having your name posted on the Runescape Shooting Star Noticeboard at the Runescape Observatory.

As you mine the Runescape star, you will collect Stardust, which can be redeemed for rewards later on. In order to free the Runescape Star Sprite and claim the Runescape rewards, you must first locate a star. When you find one, mine at it with a pickaxe to break the Runescape star down. Higher leveled stars will take longer to completely break, as whenever a star breaks, it will lower by 1 size. To reach the Runescape Star Sprite, you must reduce the Runescape size to 0. This is mostly a group effort, as othe Runescaper players will be hunting and mining the Runescapese stars as well.

This Runescape Shooting Stars Guide Continues...

Locating Stars

Locating the Runescape Shooting Star is the Runescape main part of this mini game. the Runescape first thing you should do is go to your house (Or someone else's house) and look at the Runescape skies using the Runescape telescope in the Runescape Study. This will give you an estimate as to when the Runescape star will crash, as well as the Runescape general area. the Runescape better quality the Runescape telescope (Oak, Teak, Mahogany), the Runescape closer the Runescape estimate will be. Note that if the Runescape telescope is blocked by a room built in front of it, it will not work.

Below is a table that has information on star locations. Stars are usually located near a mining site, so those should be the Runescape first places to look when searching for one. the Runescapey occasionally land near a bank.

Star Locations

Area Locations

Asgarnia Crafting Guild Mine

Falador area

Aboveground near the Runescape Mining Guild entrance in East Falador

Rimmington Mine

Taverly Mine

Crandor or Karamja Brimhaven Northwest Mine

Brimhaven Southwest Mine

Crandor Isle

Jungle Mine

Shilo Gem Mine

Fremennik lands or on Lunar Isle Fremennik Mine

Aboveground near Jatizso Mine

Lunar Isle Mines

Neitiznot Runite Mine

Rellekka Mine

Kandarin Coal Trucks

East Ardougne Mine

Port Khazard Mine

South Ardougne Mine

Yanille bank

Kharidian Desert Al Kharid bank

Chasm Mine

Duel Arena area

Enakhras' Mine

Nardah area

Sophanem Mine

Uzer Mine

Misthalin Lumbridge Swamp East Mine

Lumbridge Swamp West Mine

South-east Varrock Mine

South-west Varrock

Morytania and Mos Le'Harmless Canifis Bank

Aboveground near the Runescape Haunted Mine

Mos Le'Harmless Bank

Wilderness Bounty Hunter area

Hobgoblins' Mine

Runite Mine

Steel Mine

Skeletons' Mine

This Runescape Shooting Stars Guide Continues...


When you finally reach the Runescape Star Sprite, he is willing to offer you rewards depending on how much Stardust you collected. the Runescapese rewards include:

Up to* 50,002 coins

Up to 20 Gold ore (Noted)

Up to 152 Cosmic runes

Up to 52 Astral runes

Having the Runescape ability to mine two ores at once for up to 15 minutes**

*the Runescapese are the Runescape rewards for getting the Runescape full 200 Stardust. If you get less than 200, you may find that your rewards will be somewhat less than listed.

**Mining two ores stacks with wearing Varrock armour, making it possible to mine three ores from a single rock if both effects occur.

the Runescapere are certain restrictions to the Runescape rewards. You may only have up to 200 Stardust at one time. You may not mine anymore even if you bank it, and the Runescapere is no drop option, only destroy (Stars can still be mined for experience though). Finally, the Runescape Star Sprite will only reward you once per day.

This Runescape Shooting Stars Guide Continues...


the Runescapese are some things to keep in mind whenever you go star hunting:

Most stars will land near Mining locations, or the Runescape entrances of nearby Mining locations.

Most stars that aren't found at Mining locations can be found near cities, especially near banks.

Stars will crash only on the Runescape ground, never underground.

Stars require some space to crash, so avoid looking in places that are full of trees, buildings, etc.

Stars are more often found in secluded places, not those that are frequently filled with activity.

Going after a star in the Runescape Wilderness will have less competition, but higher risk.

If you find a star, but do not have the Runescape required level to mine it, ask some friends to help. the Runescapey can lower the Runescape star's size until you are able to mine it.

the Runescape more people looking, the Runescape faster the Runescape star will be found. Joining a group is much better than running around by yourself looking over every listed location.

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