Saturday, December 1, 2007

Runescape HopeSpears Will Quest Guide

Hopespear's Will

Introduction: An ancient spirit wanders the crypt of the Goblin Temple, wishing he could return to Yu'biusk. Would any adventurer fulfill the Will of Hopespear?

Starting point: Go to the Ancient Goblin Temple.

A Goblin Potion
Completion of Land of the Goblins
Completion of The Restless Ghost
Obtained a Ring of Visibility from Desert Treasure
Acquired use of Fairy Rings from Fairy Tale Part II
Ability to defeat the five goblin priests unarmed

13,750 Prayer experience
A happy feeling inside

1. First, take your Amulet of Ghostspeak, Ring of visibility and some food to the Secret Goblin Temple, located by the Fishing Guild.

Cave entrance

2. Go into the goblin cave just outside and make your way northwest until you reach the Goblin Temple. Drink your Goblin Potion and waltz on in.

Goblin entrance

3. Inside the temple, make your way to the back of the area, and enter the crypt.


4. Equip your Ghostspeak and Ring of Visibility, and Hopespear will appear before you. Talk to him.


A long conversation ensues. Ask him "Why are you here?" and then say "I visited Yu'biusk" Then he will ask you to take the bones of the five preists buried nearby to Yu'biusk, and bury them there.

5. In order to make the priests drop their bones instead of just collapsing, you must engage in ritual combat. This means unequipping everything and defeating them all bare-handed. You can not mage them, nor can you equip anything in the midst of the fight. They are levels 35, 45, 55, 65, and 75. The levels 55, 65 and 75 can shoot magic arrows which will lower your stats, and the 75 can summon Skoblins (level 15). You can still use prayers and food, and Protect from Melee is recommended for the level 75, if you are lower level.


Each priest drops a special bone when defeated correctly.


6. After defeating all the priests, take their bones and your Dramen/Lunar staff to the nearest Fairy Ring. Dial BLQ to teleport to Yu'biusk.


7. Bury the bones here, and each priest will grant you prayer experience, totaling to 13,750. Congratulations!

Optional: Look at the box that took Zanik. If clicked, it will say "The box seems to be sealed shut. In fact, it looks as if there was never a way to open it."

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