Sunday, November 18, 2007

Mechscape Links

I found some more Mechscape links to provide better information. The first mechscape website is of course (you can check this fact yourself because lots people are claiming that THEIR website is #1).

A Yahoo group is also formed for Mechscape related discussion. They are a Russian group that speaks in English.

In real world news, here's a pretty cool sketch (notice the copyright by Jagex) of some spaceships for the Mechscape game. These will later be used to model the 3D spacecraft vehicles and put inside the game. I think you'll be able to purchase these vehicles and fly them around.

This is what our friend Jagex are up to. By closely analyzing the attached sketch, you can see how the spacecraft transforms into a robot of various shapes. So the robots ARE the vehicles themselves. They switch shapes like transformers! This is indeed a great discovery.

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