Everybody was waiting for Age of Conan to come out and as we all know, it's been delayed.... which sucks big time. FunCom, the company making AoC is probably inexperienced and I think it's known for delays. The game is good. I wouldn't say it's revolutionary. If you want to see revolutionary, try Bioshock (style, story, etc) or Crysis (graphics, directx10, etc).
So... the question persists: Why Age of Conan? What's so good about it? Well, according to ConanHQ, there will be "large scale siege warfare" and "player built cities". Cool. To me, this seems another example of experimentation where there is a lot of potential but we're not sure if the developers took advantage of it 100%. I'm really excited to make my own cities (being an RTS lover); however, there's that lingering doubt in my mind. What if the city making system is ... crap? Instead of Age of Empires-like system, it is something like Tribal Wars (yes, that online game)?
I have hope though. FunCom isn't completely inexperienced. They made AnarchyOnline after all.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Age of Conan Game
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Labels: age of conan, AoC, conanhq, hyboria