Friday, January 16, 2009

Gaza killings by Israeli occupation in Palestine

Bolivia cut diplomatic ties with Israel. Small country, big balls.
UN halts Gaza relief. Blames Israel
700 Israelis Arrested for Protesting Against War on Gaza
Why Israel Won’t Allow Journalists Into Gaza

The important thing is that there are many Jews inside Israeli occupied lands of Palestine who want to end occupation. The oppressors aren't Jews, but instead they are the Zionists. These Zionists are the extremists who don't value human life.

The oppression in Palestine needs to stop. The human rights violations need to end. Every human life must be valued and saved.

Want to learn more about the Occupation? Here's a Youtube movie called Occupation101 :

This slaughter needs to end. This event shouldn't even be called a war. It should be called a genocide! That's what it is! PLEASE DO YOUR PART TO STOP IT.

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