Monday, April 14, 2008

Google page about Age of Conan

I have a loss of memory sometimes. But then I come here and read and I realize who I am. I am a blog. My name is blog. And then I realize I'm watching the movie called Notebook. What does that have to do with anything? The answer is that I haven't watched it. I've actually not been able to watch it because I was playing a game called Age of Conan. So, now you know.

Some Lord of the Rings Online players say that AoC is a game that should be played. A big blue panda once said to me, "blog, I like Mechscape" and I replied, "Thanks, but what is your name?" and he said, "I am blog". I said, "ok, now I'm going to ConanHQ"

I've managed to plug the two links in during a mental state that is very ... very.... weird.

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