Friday, February 1, 2008


Let's talk about Runescape. It's been a while since I looked at Runescape as a whole. The latest Runescape quest As a First Resort marks the 141st quest in the game. The requirements are a bit tough with level 48 hunter, 51 firemaking, and a woodcutting level of 58. The higher the hunter level the better. Oo'glog is the name of the new town.

If you haven't gotten 48 hunter yet, you should be powerleveling right now and trying to get your account up to that level. I recommend even going as far as level 55 hunter. Nobody can cheat in Runescape, so once you complete the quest, you'll enjoy a well-deserved spa! :-) Also, you get your very own platypus pet and 15k experience in woodcutting, firemaking, and hunter.

The spa pools offer some cool stat boosting and healing qualities.

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