Zybez Runescape Help has revamped and updated their awesome Runescape Videos feature to allow for FileFront, Metacafe, Veoh, Youtube, and other popular formats.
Also- there is now a convenient searching tool. People can search for their clans, copy the URL address, and paste it to people they want to show their clan videos to.
The best part about the Runescape videos thing is that anybody can submit their videos (or anybody else's videos) and then go around rating and commenting on them.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Runescape Videos for clans, pking, quests, and other movies
Labels: runescape videos
Friday, February 8, 2008
Runescape affiliation with Draynor.net
The newest affiliation in the Runescape world is between Zybez RuneHQ and Falador city residents . So, let me tell you about what Draynor city provides: it's got some nice custom signature services. The ultimate best thing about Draynor is that it is owned by a guy from Finland, Clooth. Not Cloth, but Clooth. Anyways, this guy has been playing Runescape for a long time and is a fantastic PHP coder. But he's a traitor and steals your passwords.
Sphere: Related ContentSunday, February 3, 2008
Age of Conan Item Crafting - First look
I was expecting crafting to be more like WoW or LOTRO. But, it disappoints me. It's in the form of a Runescape book.
Oh well, at least the rest of the stuff will be worth it right? Like rivers, waterfalls, smoke, fire, particle effects, realistic combat, RTS-style building, - right? :'-(So, what ARE the skills? Well, here's an excerpt from ConanHQ....
- Mining: This profession will allow you to gather resources such as copper, tin, iron and more. You can also find rare ones like aurichalcum and blue iron.
- Prospecting: This profession will allow you to gather resources such as silver, electrum, gold and more. You can also find rare ones like illustrium and platinum.
- Skinning: This profession will allow you to gather resources such as different types of leather, some of which are rare ones like the grained leather and the whorled leather.
- Stonecutting: This profession will allow you to gather resources such as sandstone, granite, basalt and more. You can also find rare ones like adamant and obsidian.
- Weaving: This profession will allow you to gather resources such as cotton, wool, flax and more. You can also find rare ones like bloodflax and cottonwisp.
- Woodcutting: This profession will allow you to gather resources such as ash, yew, oak and more. You can also find rare ones like soulwood and amberwood.
- Weaponsmithing: Picking up this trade allows you to craft various types of weaponry, from swords to staffs, from daggers to crossbows. Everything needed to kill your opponents!
- Armorsmithing: If you wish to go the completely opposite route from the weaponsmith, try picking up the armorsmithing craft that allows you to craft various types of armor pieces.
- Alchemy: Do you enjoy mixing things into vials and seeing how the result affects people? Then you should try your luck at alchemy, allowing you to make various types of potions.
- Architecture: City-building is an integral part of Age of Conan, and you will need someone skilled in the arts of architecture to draw up the plans needed for the different buildings.
- Gemcutting: Monsters tend to drop rough gems that the gemcutter can turn into powerful enchantments, and these can be placed into other crafted items to make them more potent.
Labels: age of conan, age of conan skills, AoC, conanhq
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Age of Conan Delayed Again!
AoC has been delayed yet again. That's right folks, Age of Conan has been delayed until May 8, 2008.
The attached image is courtesy of ConanHQ. It shows the FunCom stock price and how it got affected by the delays. One more delay could push FunCom over the edge into bankruptcy! This better be the last delay, otherwise, we'll miss summer and AoC will just find itself on a dusty shelf - forever!
Friday, February 1, 2008
Let's talk about Runescape. It's been a while since I looked at Runescape as a whole. The latest Runescape quest As a First Resort marks the 141st quest in the game. The requirements are a bit tough with level 48 hunter, 51 firemaking, and a woodcutting level of 58. The higher the hunter level the better. Oo'glog is the name of the new town.
If you haven't gotten 48 hunter yet, you should be powerleveling right now and trying to get your account up to that level. I recommend even going as far as level 55 hunter. Nobody can cheat in Runescape, so once you complete the quest, you'll enjoy a well-deserved spa! :-) Also, you get your very own platypus pet and 15k experience in woodcutting, firemaking, and hunter.
The spa pools offer some cool stat boosting and healing qualities.