Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Runescape Help in Merchanting

I see people everyday asking about HOW to make money in Runescape. I've made a blog post before about it actually. Maybe I wasn't clear.

For those that still don't get it, here's a word of advice. Always, and I mean, ALWAYS research using the Runescape Market Price guide and the Questions forum on RSC before trading. Do you want to make gold? Yeah? Then, make sure you DONT get ripped off. Runescape players are getting smarter thesedays, they all know the prices and they act dumb, pretending not to know anything. Once they lure you into giving discounts (often quoting some friend who bought it for less), they convince you to sell for a lot less than the going market price, and in the end, after you 'accept', it's too late. The gold (gp) you did not make, is the gold you could have had. Not any more though, it's gone. Bye bye. No more. Gold is gone. Can't get it. Sad, isn't it?

But don't worry, you're lucky. There are many awesome tools available to you. Within seconds, you can pull up the market prices off's Market Price Guide- and it tells you the high and low average price, so you don't even have to use your brain. In fact, you can punch in the number of items you're trading, and right away, it'll do the calculation for you. Feel free to pop in the 'k' or 'm' for thousand or million. So, if you're buying 1k cosmic runes, just put '1k' on the box on the right for quantity, and instantly, you KNOW the price: 175,000 gp. DONE, no need to ask friends or run around - or worse: GUESS.

Everything is on your side... if you wanna know more about an item, just click the little blue arrow (see pic above) and you'll be taken to a nice info page that shows you every detail about that particular item. Sexy? Yes it is.

Ok, enough Runescape tips for now. If you need any more help, 1000s of experts are waiting to answer your questions. Good luck, and remember to have fun!

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