RUNESCAPE SHOOTING STARS GUIDE What a fun Runescape mini-game guide! Read on... Have you ever wished for a more fun way to train Mining? Perhaps you are bored of dropping ore and want to be rewarded as well as gaining impressive amounts of experience. Whatever your wish may be, it is just a shooting star away! Shooting Star has you exploring RuneScape to find the Runescapese heavenly beings. the Runescape point of finding one is so that you can mine it for the Runescape experience and rewards. Shooting Stars are categorized according to size, ranging from 1 to 9. Higher level stars require higher Mining levels to break, but will yield more experience. Below is a table showing the Runescape different Star sizes, the Runescape Mining level required to mine the Runescapem, and the Runescape amount of experience each level of Stardust gives. Star Sizes Star Size Minimum Mining Level Mining Experience Per Stardust* 9 90 210 8 80 145 7 70 114 6 60 71 5 50 47 4 40 32 3 30 29 2 20 25 1 10 14 *If you are the Runescape first one to find a crashed star, you will be rewarded with extra Mining experience (Level * 75), as well as having your name posted on the Runescape Shooting Star Noticeboard at the Runescape Observatory. As you mine the Runescape star, you will collect Stardust, which can be redeemed for rewards later on. In order to free the Runescape Star Sprite and claim the Runescape rewards, you must first locate a star. When you find one, mine at it with a pickaxe to break the Runescape star down. Higher leveled stars will take longer to completely break, as whenever a star breaks, it will lower by 1 size. To reach the Runescape Star Sprite, you must reduce the Runescape size to 0. This is mostly a group effort, as othe Runescaper players will be hunting and mining the Runescapese stars as well. This Runescape Shooting Stars Guide Continues... Locating Stars Locating the Runescape Shooting Star is the Runescape main part of this mini game. the Runescape first thing you should do is go to your house (Or someone else's house) and look at the Runescape skies using the Runescape telescope in the Runescape Study. This will give you an estimate as to when the Runescape star will crash, as well as the Runescape general area. the Runescape better quality the Runescape telescope (Oak, Teak, Mahogany), the Runescape closer the Runescape estimate will be. Note that if the Runescape telescope is blocked by a room built in front of it, it will not work. Below is a table that has information on star locations. Stars are usually located near a mining site, so those should be the Runescape first places to look when searching for one. the Runescapey occasionally land near a bank. Star Locations Area Locations Asgarnia Crafting Guild Mine Falador area Aboveground near the Runescape Mining Guild entrance in East Falador Rimmington Mine Taverly Mine Crandor or Karamja Brimhaven Northwest Mine Brimhaven Southwest Mine Crandor Isle Jungle Mine Shilo Gem Mine Fremennik lands or on Lunar Isle Fremennik Mine Aboveground near Jatizso Mine Lunar Isle Mines Neitiznot Runite Mine Rellekka Mine Kandarin Coal Trucks East Ardougne Mine Port Khazard Mine South Ardougne Mine Yanille bank Kharidian Desert Al Kharid bank Chasm Mine Duel Arena area Enakhras' Mine Nardah area Sophanem Mine Uzer Mine Misthalin Lumbridge Swamp East Mine Lumbridge Swamp West Mine South-east Varrock Mine South-west Varrock Morytania and Mos Le'Harmless Canifis Bank Aboveground near the Runescape Haunted Mine Mos Le'Harmless Bank Wilderness Bounty Hunter area Hobgoblins' Mine Runite Mine Steel Mine Skeletons' Mine This Runescape Shooting Stars Guide Continues... Rewards When you finally reach the Runescape Star Sprite, he is willing to offer you rewards depending on how much Stardust you collected. the Runescapese rewards include: Up to* 50,002 coins Up to 20 Gold ore (Noted) Up to 152 Cosmic runes Up to 52 Astral runes Having the Runescape ability to mine two ores at once for up to 15 minutes** *the Runescapese are the Runescape rewards for getting the Runescape full 200 Stardust. If you get less than 200, you may find that your rewards will be somewhat less than listed. **Mining two ores stacks with wearing Varrock armour, making it possible to mine three ores from a single rock if both effects occur. the Runescapere are certain restrictions to the Runescape rewards. You may only have up to 200 Stardust at one time. You may not mine anymore even if you bank it, and the Runescapere is no drop option, only destroy (Stars can still be mined for experience though). Finally, the Runescape Star Sprite will only reward you once per day. This Runescape Shooting Stars Guide Continues... Tips the Runescapese are some things to keep in mind whenever you go star hunting: Most stars will land near Mining locations, or the Runescape entrances of nearby Mining locations. Most stars that aren't found at Mining locations can be found near cities, especially near banks. Stars will crash only on the Runescape ground, never underground. Stars require some space to crash, so avoid looking in places that are full of trees, buildings, etc. Stars are more often found in secluded places, not those that are frequently filled with activity. Going after a star in the Runescape Wilderness will have less competition, but higher risk. If you find a star, but do not have the Runescape required level to mine it, ask some friends to help. the Runescapey can lower the Runescape star's size until you are able to mine it. the Runescape more people looking, the Runescape faster the Runescape star will be found. Joining a group is much better than running around by yourself looking over every listed location.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Runescape Shooting Stars Guide
Runescape Corporeal Beast Guide
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Mechcape World of Warcraft
Mechscape or World of Warcraft? That's a big question indeed and gamers all over the Mechsape world are wondering when they can get their hands on the beta testing.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Labels: asteriods, comets, mechcape, mechsape, mechscape, mechscape world
Friday, September 19, 2008
Runescape University
Get a job for Runescape for University students. Now's the chance to work at the best MMORPG online game publisher in the world.
They're making Mechscape, so maybe that's the project you'll get... making 3D robots and fantasy Sci-Fi stuff. Cool.
Labels: games, job, mmorpg, runescape, university
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Runescape Quests: Summer's End
The time is ripe to do some Runescape Quests and play the game.
Difficulty level: Hard
Start location: Speak with Summer in the farm ruins north-west of Clan Wars.
Quests: Spirit of Summer
Skills: Level 23 Summoning, Level 23 Woodcutting, Level 35 Hunter, Level 45 Mining, Level 47 Firemaking, Level 55 Prayer
Items: Ghostspeak amulet, Jennica's ring, pickaxe (any kind), woodcutting axe, any summoning pouch made with a blue charm (bring extras), tinderbox, spade
Items: Games necklace, super energy potions, Amulet of glory, 1 click teleport, good food (such as sharks, tuna potatoes, Saradomin Brews), NO ARMOUR (does no good, weighs you down)
Monsters: Evade Spiritual Beast, Dark Core
NPC: Summer
Walkthrough Hide/Show:
Note: If you have to walk out or teleport out, feel free to do so - your accomplishments (a pyre lit, a core captured, a grave blessed) will be saved in each room for your return. Armour will not protect you (don't bother), and the Beast hits players hard (sample values: 34-22-18) - this is not for the faint-hearted!
Bank Bank Bank
Required: Ghostspeak Amulet, pickaxe, Jennica’s ring, familiar pouch(es) made from Blue charms
Suggested: Games necklace, food, Amulet of glory
Starting out
1. Make your way to the Ruins west of Clan Wars (Spirit of Summer quest start) - using a games necklace is easiest. When you approach the area, there will be an earthquake and Summer will be standing at the portal. Talk to her and follow her. The Village elders will tell you about the imminent danger of the Beast that had been feeding on them for centuries.
2. Go back to the real world, and head north of the farm. You should see a dungeon sign on the mini map. Right click on the entrance and hit the Collapse option. This will open the cave in the spiritual realm.
3. Enter the spiritual realm in the village and head north again.
4. This time you need to use your Blue Charm familiar to lure the beast to the dungeon door. You must be careful not to allow the familiar to fall behind too far, or else it will be eaten by the beast. When all three of you (you, your familiar and the beast) are near the dungeon entrance, go in.
5. One of the village elders will explain what you need to do with the beast. Tell him you are not ready for the next part so you can equip yourself. Bank and top off your energy.
Bank Bank Bank
Required: tinderbox, woodcutting axe, Ghostspeak Amulet, Jennica’s ring
Suggested: Games necklace, 1 Click teleport, food, energy boosts, five empty inventory slots
Room 1
6. After banking, head back into the spirit realm and into the cave. You will notice that this cave is filled with lots of tree roots along the walls. Tell the village elder that you are ready.
7. As soon as you begin, the beast will start attacking you with his magic attacks. These magic attacks are not homing, meaning you can physically dodge them, but they explode into smaller projectiles after hitting the ground, so be careful.
8. You need to chop some cursed willow logs from the tree roots around the room to gather enough logs to set up a pyre. It takes 5 lots of logs to set up 1 pyre. It is highly recommended that you set up 3 pyres around the room before you light them. Once you have set them up, light 1 and a small cut scene will follow, do the same for the other 2. The attacks from the beast will get more severe as the number of pyres you burn.
9. Once you have burned all 3 pyres, the beast will retreat into another room. Bank and top off your energy.
Bank Bank Bank
Required: spade, Ghostspeak Amulet, Jennica’s ring
Suggested: Games necklace, 1 Click teleport, food, energy boosts
Room 2
10. Get the required items from your bank and make your way back to the dungeon and go to the room east of the room you initially entered. Another elder will brief you on what to do. When the battle begins, again, the beast will barrage you with attacks as before.
11. You will notice that there are soft soils scattered around the edge of the room, these are the soft soils you need to dig and lure the dark cores into. For the first one, stay near to one of these soft soils, and dodge the beast's attacks until it releases a dark Core (a message will appear in your chat window). When the core approaches, use your spade while standing near the soil to lure it inside, but do NOT touch it - contact with the core will hurt you. If you are successful, the dark core will fall into the hole and a cut scene will ensue.
12. The second core is much the same as the first core, but the beast attacks are more frequent now, and so it is advised that you move to the next soft soil patch to avoid them.
13. The third core is by far the trickiest. The beast’s attack is much more frequent and it will take a while before the dark core is released. The best way to dodge his attacks is to run around the room in circles, but stick close to the walls, and KEEP running to avoid damage. His blast radius is now rather large and will hit you if you lag behind.
14. Once you have all 3 cores trapped, you are done with this room. If you have more than 20 pieces of food left and are healthy and energetic enough for a final confrontation, proceed to the next room. If not, bank and top up with food and energy.
Bank Bank Bank
Required: Ghostspeak Amulet, Jennica’s ring
Suggested: Games necklace, 1 Click teleport, food, energy boosts
Room 3
15. This room is the trickiest of the 3 rooms, although the beast attacks are not as severe as the other 2 rooms. The 3 elders will be resting in 3 graves, which will change location during the fight (see below for explanation). Each elder will be transformed into a coloured soul. The trick to this battle is that while the beast is charging up his attack, you must bless the grave whose soul’s colour corresponds to the colour of the attack he is charging up for. So for example a grave contains a blue soul, this is the grave you must bless if the beast is charging up for a blue attack. You need at least 20 prayer points to bless a grave. If you run out of prayer points, there is an altar in the room where you can recharge your prayer points. You must bless each colour once to defeat the beast.
16. The tricky part of this fight is that the souls change graves after every 2 attacks from the beast, making tracking down the grave somewhat harder, because this usually happens while you are dodging the attack.
17. Once the beast is defeated, the elder wants to thank you outside, so leave the cave and speak with the elders. After the conversation, you will be given the Spirit Shield as a reward, along with improvements to Jennica’s ring.
* 1,500 Summoning Experience
* 5,000 Hunter Experience
* 5,000 Mining Experience
* 5,000 Woodcutting Experience
* 10,000 Prayer Experience
* 15,000 Firemaking Experience
* Spirit Shield
* Upgraded version of Jennica's Ring
Quest points gained on completion: 1
Tips, tricks & notes:
* During the quest, you can loot a mithril axe, bronze pickaxe, tinderbox and spade from the corpse in the cave in the real world.
* Bring the highest woodcutting axe you can use to speed collecting the logs.
* Players who have completed the As a First Resort... quest will want to take advantage of the pools for their boosts. Using the Ectophial as your 1 click teleport gets you close to a charter ship to reach Oo'glog.
* After the quest you can fight the Corporeal Beast (level 782, 2000 hp!) in the third room, which will now be accessible from the Real World. Tip.It's Bestiary - Corporeal Beast entry has more information.
* Your Spirit Shield reward can be blessed with a Holy Elixir (a Corporeal Beast drop) if you have 85 prayer, or by paying a hefty fee to Brother Jered in the Monastery if you do not.
* A Blessed Shield can have a Sigil attached to it if you have 85 prayer and 90 smithing. Each Sigil (Arcane, Divine, Elysian, Spectral - dropped by Corporeal Beast) makes a different shield with different properties. Tip.It's Prayer Guide - Shields section contains more information.
* After the quest, wearing Jennica's ring now allows you into five new portals that offer one-time experience:
o Big Castle Ruins in the High Wilderness (Level 47), far east of the Demonic Ruins: 5,000 Smithing XP
o Rogue's Castle: 10,000 Thieving XP. Portal is 3 cells east of the broom leaning on the wall, outside castle in the backyard. While in the spirit world, close both jail doors inside the Rogues Castle. Return to the regular world and tell the rogue in the cell that you are helping him escape. Afterwards you can find him south of Varrock's archery shop where he will buy unenchanted rings for their high alch value.
o Chaos Altar in the Level 12 Wilderness, south of Clan Wars Arena: 5,000 Prayer XP. Includes a Spirit Person that will tell you about the God Wars and how Guthix interfered - need Amulet of Ghostspeak to talk to him.
o Dark Warriors' Fortress in the Level 20 Wilderness, west of the Bounty Hunter Arena: 10,000 Defence XP. Includes Level 129 Tormented Wraith that can be attacked if you are wearing Full Black Armour (Helm, Plate, Legs, weapon, and shield unless black weapon is 2h). Tip.It's Bestiary - Tormented Wraith entry has more information.
o Ruins North-west of Clan Wars, the Quest start area: 5,000 Farming XP. If you lose Jennica's ring, search rubble 1 square east of the portal.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Association of Computer Engineers and Scientists of North America (ACESNA)
So I joined the Association of Computer Engineers and Scientists of North America (ACESNA) because I'm now a Computer Engineer with a Bachelor's degree in Engineering.
Sphere: Related ContentTuesday, September 2, 2008
Google Chrome - Google's new web-browser - beta
Google has developed their own web-browser based on the Webkit engine called, Google Chrome. You can read intro comics about it here:
In introduces the "V8 Javascript" engine and separates tabs and scripts down into their own processes and puts everything into a sandbox.
This automatically means: safer, more reliable, and faster web-browser.
The beta is set to launch on September 3, 2008.